Learning through hands-on, concrete experiences using the five senses
Language activities to increase vocabulary and ideas
Problem-solving practice
Challenging but age-appropriate activities
Imitation and questioning opportunities.
The Community Preschool program provides the child with many opportunities to experience and experiment. The goals of the program take into account the physical, intellectual, social, and emotional growth of the child.
The objectives include:
Physical Development balance – eye/hand coordination – sensory motor control – rhythm – tactile awareness
Social Development –positive self image-function as a member of the group-relate to other children- relate to adults outside of the- family environment
Intellectual Development-learn colors-learn parts of the body-learn to recognize name- spoken and written-increase vocabulary and communication skills-reading readiness-exploring natural environment (seasons, animals, plants)
Emotional growth is a life long process. Dealing with our feelings and expressing these feelings in an acceptable manner is a learning experience. By recognizing children’s anger, fears, and frustrations, and helping them cope with feelings calmly, we guide them toward emotional maturity.
Although the teachers set objectives for the Community Preschool program, children are to progress at their own pace. The child will play, because play is a child’s work. We provide the child with a stimulating environment, a variety of equipment activities, and adult supervision.
Large and small group activities, as well as indoor and outdoor play are part of the daily schedule. Conversation circles, story-time, finger plays, flannel board games, puzzles, table activities, records, songs and science activities open new doors of learning. We cook, take walks, and go on field trips.
Most importantly, the child will have the opportunity to learn that he is a child of God, a person to be valued for his own unique being (in accordance with the basic precepts of Christian Education).* Community Preschool should be a joyful experience.
Making new friends, succeeding in many areas, and achieving a sense of independence and self-worth will create a foundation for future accomplishments.
Updates will be posted as they are available! Please contact us for more information: 937-833-6691 or communitypreschool71@gmail.com
Thank you – we look forward to meeting you!
Registrations will be accepted until classes are full. Please email for availability/regsitration for our 4’s classes. Both 3’s classes are full.
Tues/Thurs. 9-11:30am $40 registration fee$110.00/month (must turn 3 on or beforeAug. 1, 2023 andpotty trained) Class is full
3’s Afternoon Class
Tues/Thurs. 12:30-3pm $40 registration fee$110.00/month (must turn 3 on or beforeAug. 1, 2023 andpotty trained) Class is full
4’s Morning Class
Mon/Wed/Fri 9-11:30am $40 registration fee$140.00/month (must turn 4 on or beforeAug. 1, 2023 andpotty trained) Please email for current availability in 4’s Morning class
4’s Afternoon Class
Mon/Wed/Fri 12:30-3p$40 registration fee$140.00/month (must turn 4 on or beforeAug. 1, 2023 andpotty trained) Please email for current availability in 4’s Afternoon class
Our Staff
Miss Tonya
Lead Teacher 4’s Classes and Co-Director
Miss Amy
Lead Teacher 3’s Classes, 4’s Class and Co-Director